Embark on a captivating journey of rediscovery as I explore the intersection of art and technology through the project Rediscovering Life Memories with SVG and Inkscape. This artistic endeavor, driven by a passion for visualization, precision, and storytelling, delves into the meticulous recreation of memories that span a lifetime. Unraveling the transformation from paper to Inkscape, the exploration of perspective drawing, and the fusion of nostalgia with digital artistry are at the core of this project. Through this project, I not only create art but also revisit the rich tapestry of life experiences, weaving personal stories into every stroke and line.


My project started as a humble attempt to recreate the objects I fondly remembered from my childhood. Initially, it was about capturing these objects as I remembered them. However, it gradually evolved into something more profound. I made the decision to expand the project to encompass various objects from my memories, not limiting it to my own drawings but also incorporating other significant elements from my past.

The shift from paper-based drawing to digital drawing holds particular importance in this project. This transformation signifies my transition from traditional art to digital art, highlighting the intriguing intersection of art and technology [1]. Throughout my project, I will share the challenges I face and the advantages I discover through this transition, such as the precision and flexibility offered by digital tools.

A core aspect of my project involves the meticulous documentation of various drawings from my childhood. Each drawing represents a piece of my past, and by recreating them digitally, I aim to preserve and immortalize these precious memories. I will delve into the emotions, memories, and stories associated with each drawing, adding a deeply personal touch to this project.

My project is not just about creating digital drawings; it's about weaving a visual narrative. I will elaborate on the narrative aspect, describing how each drawing connects to my past and how, together, they form a vivid visual story of my childhood.

As I work on this project, I anticipate acquiring new skills and knowledge related to digital art. My project is deeply rooted in the realm of computer graphics. I leverage the capabilities of Inkscape, a powerful vector graphics software, to manipulate and transform these basic geometric elements into intricate drawings, allowing me to explore the intersection of art and technology. I will share my learning experiences and reflect on how they influence my artistic process and shape the project's direction.

Pumpkin with more lines

To document my progress and maintain a systematic record of my project's development, I maintain a learning journal. This journal is tracked using version control, which ensures that I can trace back and analyze the evolution of my artistic skills, techniques, and the overall project itself over time.


Initially, I experimented with illustrating articles, but I found that my early attempts lacked the realism and perspective [2] I desired. This realization prompted me to delve deeper into the world of perspective drawing and explore new techniques to infuse a sense of depth and realism into my creations.

In my quest to enhance the realism of my drawings, I have started incorporating Inkscape extensions. For instance, I have explored the use of perspective view extensions, which enable me to create drawings with a more accurate sense of depth and three-dimensionality. These extensions have proven to be valuable tools in my artistic toolkit.

I draw inspiration from historical artistic techniques as well. In the past, artists used devices like the camera obscura [3] to obtain realistic drawings. I've experimented with methods such as tracing lines using slightly transparent paper, to gain insights into traditional artistic processes and incorporate elements of realism into my digital work.

Grass in Garden
Brick wall
A Brick Wall

As part of my project, I've delved into the rules of perspective drawing. I've learned that concepts like relativity, symmetry, and invariance play pivotal roles in achieving realistic and visually engaging drawings. By applying these principles, I aim to not only capture the physical aspects of objects but also convey their essence and significance in a compelling manner.

Objects to Draw

I approach objects as compositions of fundamental geometric elements such as lines, polygons, paths, and ellipses. This approach not only simplifies the representation of objects but also provides a structured foundation for creating intricate and detailed drawings using SVG and Inkscape.

I created a diverse collection of objects to draw. These objects are drawn from various sources, including daily life objects that surround me, cherished memories from my past, and subjects that people commonly choose for their drawings. This eclectic mix of subjects adds depth and variety to my artistic exploration.

A central focus of some of my drawings is the pursuit of drawing correctness, especially adhering to the rules of perspective drawing. I recognize the importance of achieving accurate proportions, depth, and realism in my artwork. To this end, I invest time and effort in learning and applying the principles of perspective drawing to ensure that my drawings are not only visually appealing but also technically accurate.

In addition to drawing objects from my surroundings, I'm also dedicated to recreating specific images from my childhood and adulthood. This nostalgic endeavor serves as a personal reflection and a way to capture the essence of significant moments in my life. It adds a deeply sentimental dimension to my project, allowing me to revisit and celebrate the past through art.

Raster Graphics

While Inkscape remains my primary tool, I also explored alternative options, such as raster graphics editors like Krita, to expand my artistic horizons. Raster editors provide a different set of capabilities and challenges compared to vector-based tools like Inkscape. Exploring these alternatives allows me to experiment with various artistic styles and techniques, broadening my creative repertoire.


Rediscovering Life Memories with SVG and Inkscape is a deeply personal and multi-faceted journey I've embarked upon. It manifests my passion for visual expression with my computer science background, yielding a project that's uniquely meaningful to me. Through this endeavor, my aim extends beyond crafting beautiful digital art; it's about encapsulating the essence of my life's memories and sharing them with others. Objects are deconstructed into elemental geometries and revived using digital tools. My unwavering commitment to learning, experimentation, and the fusion of historical and contemporary techniques drives my artistic refinement, resulting in drawings that captivate the eye and touch the heart. This project harmonizes art and technology, with each drawing serving as a testament to my voyage of self-discovery and self-expression.


  1. Why physics needs art to help picture the universe?
  2. Camera obscura
  3. Perspective