Building a Multilingual Command Line

John Samuel

25th August, 2020

DebConf 2020

Creative Commons License

Simplify command line
Is command line Simple?
$ ls : list files
$ touch : create a blank file
$ mkdir : create a directory
$ cd : change a directory
$ ps : list processes
$ top : list processes
$ netstat : list network connections
$ lshw : list hardware
$ lscpu : display information about cpu architecure
$ date : display or set date
ls: list files
touch: create blank file
mkdir: create a directory
cd: change a directory
ps: list processes
top: list processes
netstat: list network connections
lshw: list hardware
lscpu: display information about cpu architecture
date: print or set date
Options : What about them?
-v : Is it verbose or is it version?
-r : Is it reverse or is it recursive?
help : Is it -h or is it --h? Is it -help?
Support from standard libraries
Support from standard libraries
  • C: getopt(), getopt_long()
  • Python: argparse()
C: getopt(), getopt_long()
  • short and long options
  • optional arguments
Python: argparse()
  • short and long options
  • one or more optional arguments
  • specify data types of arguments
  • subcommands
Incorporate colors
Add progress
Multilingual documentation
2. But why not multilingual commands and options?
Multilingual Commands
  • list all the processes
  • affiche tous les processus
  • പ്രക്രിയകൾ കാണിക്കുക
Building Multilingual Command Line: Solutions
  1. Ask the developers
  2. Modify the shell (e.g., Bash) source code
  3. Extend the shell in a transparent user-centric manner
Inspiration from other domains
  • Create C
  • Read R
  • Update U
  • Delete D
  • List L
action resource
create file
read file
update file
delete file
list file
(action)... file
action resource
créer fichier
afficher fichier
modifier fichier
supprimer fichier
lister fichier
(action)... fichier
commands and actions
Fig 1: Command to list files, directories, processes or network connections
commands and actions
Fig 2: Command to create, show, delete and list files. Object comes in the first position.
commands and actions
Fig 3: Command to list files, directories, processes or network connections. Object comes in the first position.
Firefox Ubiquity
Multilingual command: action + resource
Multilingual command: resource + action
Multilingual command: action + resource + options
Multilingual command: resource + action + options
3. Development

3.a. Basic solution: Using Aliases

alias listfile="ls"
alias createfile="touch"
alias deletefile="rm"
alias showfile="cat"

3.a. Basic Solution: Using Aliases

alias listdirectory="ls"
alias createdirectory="mkdir"
alias deletedirectory="rmdir"
alias showdirectory="ls"

3.b. Solution: Using Functions

3.b. Solution: Using Functions

function deleteaction() {
  if [[ $1 == "file" ]]
    rm $@
  elif [[ $1 == "directory" ]]
    rmdir $@

alias delete="deleteaction"

3.b. Solution: Using Functions

function supprimeraction() {
  if [[ $1 == "fichier" ]]
    rm $@
  elif [[ $1 == "répertoire" ]]
    rmdir $@

alias supprimer="supprimer"

3.b. Solution: Using Functions

function ഡയറക്ടറിപ്രവർത്തനങ്ങൾ() {
  if [[ $1 == "സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക" ]]
    mkdir $@
  elif [[ $1 == "ഇല്ലാതാക്കുക" ]]
    rmdir $@

alias ഡയറക്ടറി="ഡയറക്ടറിപ്രവർത്തനങ്ങൾ"

3.b. Solution: Using Functions

But, What about shorter commands and options?

3.b. Solution: Using Functions

function supprimeraction() {
  if [[ $1 == "f" ]]
    rm $@
  elif [[ $1 == "r" ]]
    rmdir $@

alias s="supprimeraction"

3.b. Solution: Using Functions

4. Debian Community
Sharing and Collaboration
  1. Developing multilingual command-line configuration files
  2. Sharing the configuration files
  3. Collaborating towards a flexible solution
$ .
  1. Learning curve
  2. Natural Language
  3. Linguistic Diversity
  4. Open source


  1. dotfiles
  2. Command Line Interface
  3. Python Argparse
  4. Rethinking the command line, John Samuel, Capitole du Libre, Toulouse, France, November 19, 2017
  5. .bashrc
  6. Bash Startup Files
  7. Ubiquity
  8. FEATURE: The linguistic command line Aza Raskin, Interactions - Toward a model of innovation, Volume 15 Issue 1, January + February 2008, Pages 19-22
  9. Ubiquity: Designing a Multilingual Natural Language Interface Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine, SIGIR Workshop on Information Access in a Multilingual World, July 23, 2009
DebConf 2020

Thank you

John Samuel
