Analysis of Urban Information of Colombia on Wikidata

John Samuel & Oscar Carrillo

CPE Lyon

LIRIS and CITI Laboratories

CATAÏ 2019

Bogotá, 23rd October, 2019

Creative Commons License



  1. Introduction
  2. Cities of Colombia
  3. Urban Information on Wikidata
  4. Discussion
  5. Conclusion

1. Introduction

Wikipedia Infoboxes

1. Introduction


Wikidata: Free, open, multilingual, collaborative, linked and structured knowledge base.

1. Introduction

1. Introduction

Wikipedia to Wikdiata

Ongoing works by Wikimedia contributors: Importing structured
data from Wikipedia Infoboxes to Wikidata

1. Introduction

Wikdiata to Wikipedia

Ongoing works by Wikimedia contributors: Exporting data from Wikidata to multiple multilingual Wikipedia articles

1. Introduction

Wikipedia Infobox Properties

Existing English Wikipedia Infobox Properties for a Colombian City

1. Introduction

Wikidata: Identifier, Labels, Descriptions and Aliases

Existing translations of Bogotá (Q2841)

1. Introduction

Wikidata: Statements, Properties, Qualifiers and References

Current statements of Bogotá (Q2841)

1. Introduction

Wikidata: External identifiers

Current external identifiers of Bogotá (Q2841)

2. Cities of Colombia

Cities, Towns and Villages

S.No. Focus category List of cities
1. Main cities of Colombia Bogotá (Q2841), Medellín (Q48278), Cali (Q51103), Barranquilla (Q62823), Cartagena (Q657461), Soledad (Q767071), Cúcuta (Q216847), Soacha (Q1011151), Ibagué (Q222755), Bucaramanga (Q243766), Villavicencio (Q749224), Santa Marta (Q209016), Bello (Q816024), Valledupar (Q376903), Pereira (Q51111), Buenaventura (Q996581), San Juan de Pasto (Q320015), Manizales (Q235190), Montería (Q852725), Neiva (Q638260)
2. Important departmental capitals Bogotá (Q2841), Barranquilla (Q62823), Cali (Q51103), Bucaramanga (Q243766), Medellín (Q48278)

2. Cities of Colombia

Cities, Towns and Villages

S.No. Focus category List of cities
3. Intermediary capitals Armenia (Q328518), Manizales (Q235190) and Montería (Q852725)
4. Touristic cities Cartagena (Q657461), San Andrés (Q134678), Providencia (Q681111), Leticia (Q214913), Puerto Nariño (Q767738), Santa Marta (Q209016) and El Cocuy (Q1655984)

2. Cities of Colombia

Cities, Towns and Villages

S.No. Focus category List of cities
5. Villages Villa de Leyva (Q1409503), San Gil (Q1294128), Barichara (Q1576773) and Zipaquira (Q205429)
6. Small towns Mocoa (Q579803), Villavicencio (Q749224), Soledad (Q767071), Pasto (Q320015) and Neiva (Q638260)
7. Towns in Conflict Cúcuta (Q216847), Medellín, Arauca (Q626543), Paraguachón (Q6060938), Corinto (Q2236398), Piendamó (Q2433349), Santander de Quilichao (Q1093175), Caldono (Q1391900), Jambaló (Q1525285), Puerto Tejada (Q1256377), Toribío (Q1870972)

3. Urban Information on Wikidata

Statements of selected villages, towns and cities on Wikidata

Number of statements of selected villages, towns and cities on Wikidata

3. Urban Information on Wikidata

References on statements

Number of references of statements of selected villages, towns and cities on Wikidata

3. Urban Information on Wikidata

Distinct properties

Number of distinct properties to describe the selected villages,
towns and cities on Wikidata

3. Urban Information on Wikidata

Comparison of statements and properties

Comparison of number of statements and properties to describe the selected
villages, towns and cities on Wikidata

3. Urban Information on Wikidata

Comparison of statements and references

Comparison of number of statements and properties to describe the
selected villages, towns and cities on Wikidata

3. Urban Information on Wikidata

Translation status of labels on Wikidata

Bubble graph demonstrating the number of available multilingual labels on Wikidata

3. Urban Information on Wikidata

Translation status of descriptions on Wikidata

Bubble graph demonstrating the number of available multilingual descriptions on Wikidata

3. Urban Information on Wikidata

Translation status of aliases on Wikidata

Bubble graph demonstrating the number of available multilingual aliases on Wikidata

3. Urban Information on Wikidata

Translation status: Comparison

Comparison of the translation status of labels, descriptions and aliases on Wikidata

3. Urban Information on Wikidata

Use of External identifiers on Wikidata

Number of external identifiers used by the selected towns, villages and cities on Wikidata

3. Urban Information on Wikidata

Incoming Wikidata links

Number of incoming Wikidata links to the selected towns, villages and cities on Wikidata

3. Urban Information on Wikidata

Languages used by Wikimedia articles

Languages used by Wikimedia articles for the selected Wikidata
selected towns, villages and cities

4. Discussion

Current usage

4. Discussion

Summary of current translations

Measure Labels Description Alias
count 40 40 40
mean 54.70000 11.500000 9.375000
std 38.87996 5.223222 11.331118
minimum 1 0 1
maximum 223 32 54

4. Discussion


Measure Statements References Inbound Links Wikimedia articles
count 40.000000 40.000000 40.000000 40.000000
mean 154.775000 43.450000 480.625000 45.375000
std 102.644142 44.839857 1195.322158 39.173963
min 13.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
max 584.000000 188.000000 7048.000000 235.000000

5. Conclusion

Concluding remarks

5. Conclusion

Future Works



  1. Kaffee, L. A., Piscopo, A., Vougiouklis, P., Simperl, E., Carr, L., & Pintscher, L. (2017, August). A glimpse into Babel: an analysis of multilinguality in Wikidata. In Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (p. 14). ACM.
  2. Müller-Birn, C., Karran, B., Lehmann, J., & Luczak-Rösch, M. (2015, August). Peer-production system or collaborative ontology engineering effort: What is Wikidata?. In Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (p. 20). ACM.
  3. Samuel, J. (2017) Collaborative Approach to Developing a Multilingual Ontology: A Case Study of Wikidata. In : Research Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research. Springer, Cham, 2017. p. 167-172.
  4. Samuel, J. (2018). Towards Understanding and Improving Multilingual Collaborative Ontology Development in Wikidata. In: WikiWorkshop 2018

Thank you



Cities with the count of multilingual labels

SELECT ?cityLabel (count(?label) as ?count) {
    SELECT DISTINCT ?cityLabel ?label (lang(?label) as ?langLabel) {
      VALUES ?city {
                   #main cities
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
                   wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260
                   #departmental captials
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q62823 wd:Q51103 wd:Q243766 wd:Q48278
                   #intermediary capitals
                   wd:Q328518 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725
                   #touristic cities
                   wd:Q657461 wd:Q134678 wd:Q681111 wd:Q214913 wd:Q767738 wd:Q209016 wd:Q1655984
                   wd:Q1409503 wd:Q1294128 wd:Q1576773 wd:Q205429
                   #small towns
                   wd:Q579803 wd:Q749224 wd:Q767071 wd:Q320015 wd:Q638260
                   #towns in conflict
                   wd:Q216847 wd:Q626543 wd:Q6060938 wd:Q2236398 wd:Q2433349 wd:Q1093175 wd:Q1391900 wd:Q1525285 wd:Q1256377 wd:Q1870972}.
      ?city rdfs:label ?label.
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam
          wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

GROUP by ?cityLabel
HAVING (?count > 10)
ORDER by DESC(?count)


Property used on Wikidata for selected Colombian cities

       VALUES ?city {
                   #main cities
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
                   wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260
                   #departmental captials
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q62823 wd:Q51103 wd:Q243766 wd:Q48278
                   #intermediary capitals
                   wd:Q328518 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725
                   #touristic cities
                   wd:Q657461 wd:Q134678 wd:Q681111 wd:Q214913 wd:Q767738 wd:Q209016 wd:Q1655984
                   wd:Q1409503 wd:Q1294128 wd:Q1576773 wd:Q205429
                   #small towns
                   wd:Q579803 wd:Q749224 wd:Q767071 wd:Q320015 wd:Q638260
                   #towns in conflict
                   wd:Q216847 wd:Q626543 wd:Q6060938 wd:Q2236398 wd:Q2433349 wd:Q1093175 wd:Q1391900 wd:Q1525285 wd:Q1256377 wd:Q1870972}.
      ?city ?prop [].
      FILTER(REGEX(STR(?prop), ""))
      BIND(REPLACE(STR(?prop),"","")  AS ?property) .


Property labels used on Wikidata for selected Colombian cities

SELECT ?typeLabel ?propertyLabel ?property{
   VALUES ?property {
     wd:P6 wd:P17 wd:P18 wd:P31 wd:P37 wd:P41 wd:P47 wd:P94 wd:P112 wd:P150 wd:P163 wd:P190 wd:P194 wd:P208 wd:P213
     wd:P214 wd:P227 wd:P237 wd:P242 wd:P244 wd:P268 wd:P269 wd:P281 wd:P300 wd:P373 wd:P395 wd:P402 wd:P421 wd:P473
     wd:P571 wd:P625 wd:P646 wd:P856 wd:P901 wd:P906 wd:P910 wd:P935 wd:P948 wd:P950 wd:P982 wd:P989 wd:P1017 wd:P1082
     wd:P1151 wd:P1225 wd:P1296 wd:P1313 wd:P1376 wd:P1417 wd:P1441 wd:P1448 wd:P1464 wd:P1465 wd:P1549 wd:P1566
     wd:P1667 wd:P1705 wd:P1791 wd:P1792 wd:P1830 wd:P1842 wd:P1997 wd:P2044 wd:P2046 wd:P2924 wd:P3219 wd:P3222
     wd:P3417 wd:P3451 wd:P3722 wd:P5008 wd:P5573 wd:P6404 wd:P6766 wd:P7325 wd:P131 wd:P2427 wd:P6782 wd:P691
     wd:P998 wd:P1343 wd:P206 wd:P443 wd:P1813 wd:P2184 wd:P2716 wd:P361 wd:P2043 wd:P2049 wd:P1281 wd:P1889
     wd:P1014 wd:P461 wd:P460 wd:P158 wd:P5760 }
  ?property wikibase:propertyType ?type.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
ORDER by ?typeLabel


Property used on Wikidata for selected Colombian cities

SELECT ?cityLabel (count(DISTINCT ?property) as ?count){
        VALUES ?city {
                   #main cities
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
                   wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260
                   #departmental captials
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q62823 wd:Q51103 wd:Q243766 wd:Q48278
                   #intermediary capitals
                   wd:Q328518 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725
                   #touristic cities
                   wd:Q657461 wd:Q134678 wd:Q681111 wd:Q214913 wd:Q767738 wd:Q209016 wd:Q1655984
                   wd:Q1409503 wd:Q1294128 wd:Q1576773 wd:Q205429
                   #small towns
                   wd:Q579803 wd:Q749224 wd:Q767071 wd:Q320015 wd:Q638260
                   #towns in conflict
                   wd:Q216847 wd:Q626543 wd:Q6060938 wd:Q2236398 wd:Q2433349 wd:Q1093175 wd:Q1391900 wd:Q1525285 wd:Q1256377 wd:Q1870972}.
     ?city ?prop [].
      FILTER(REGEX(STR(?prop), ""))
      BIND(REPLACE(STR(?prop),"","")  AS ?property) .

      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,es". }
GROUP by ?cityLabel
ORDER by ?cityLabel


Cities with the count of multilingual labels

SELECT ?cityLabel (count(?label) as ?count){
    SELECT DISTINCT ?city ?label{
      VALUES ?city {
                   #main cities
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
                   wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260
                   #departmental captials
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q62823 wd:Q51103 wd:Q243766 wd:Q48278
                   #intermediary capitals
                   wd:Q328518 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725
                   #touristic cities
                   wd:Q657461 wd:Q134678 wd:Q681111 wd:Q214913 wd:Q767738 wd:Q209016 wd:Q1655984
                   wd:Q1409503 wd:Q1294128 wd:Q1576773 wd:Q205429
                   #small towns
                   wd:Q579803 wd:Q749224 wd:Q767071 wd:Q320015 wd:Q638260
                   #towns in conflict
                   wd:Q216847 wd:Q626543 wd:Q6060938 wd:Q2236398 wd:Q2433349 wd:Q1093175 wd:Q1391900 wd:Q1525285 wd:Q1256377 wd:Q1870972}.
      ?city rdfs:label ?label.
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam
          wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

GROUP by ?cityLabel
ORDER by ?cityLabel


Cities with the count of multilingual description

SELECT ?cityLabel (count(?description) as ?count){
    SELECT DISTINCT ?city ?description{
      VALUES ?city {
                   #main cities
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
                   wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260
                   #departmental captials
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q62823 wd:Q51103 wd:Q243766 wd:Q48278
                   #intermediary capitals
                   wd:Q328518 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725
                   #touristic cities
                   wd:Q657461 wd:Q134678 wd:Q681111 wd:Q214913 wd:Q767738 wd:Q209016 wd:Q1655984
                   wd:Q1409503 wd:Q1294128 wd:Q1576773 wd:Q205429
                   #small towns
                   wd:Q579803 wd:Q749224 wd:Q767071 wd:Q320015 wd:Q638260
                   #towns in conflict
                   wd:Q216847 wd:Q626543 wd:Q6060938 wd:Q2236398 wd:Q2433349 wd:Q1093175 wd:Q1391900 wd:Q1525285 wd:Q1256377 wd:Q1870972}.
      ?city schema:description ?description.
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam
          wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

GROUP by ?cityLabel
ORDER by ?cityLabel



Cities with the count of multilingual alias

SELECT ?cityLabel (count(?alias) as ?count){
    SELECT DISTINCT ?city ?alias{
      VALUES ?city {
                   #main cities
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
                   wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260
                   #departmental captials
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q62823 wd:Q51103 wd:Q243766 wd:Q48278
                   #intermediary capitals
                   wd:Q328518 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725
                   #touristic cities
                   wd:Q657461 wd:Q134678 wd:Q681111 wd:Q214913 wd:Q767738 wd:Q209016 wd:Q1655984
                   wd:Q1409503 wd:Q1294128 wd:Q1576773 wd:Q205429
                   #small towns
                   wd:Q579803 wd:Q749224 wd:Q767071 wd:Q320015 wd:Q638260
                   #towns in conflict
                   wd:Q216847 wd:Q626543 wd:Q6060938 wd:Q2236398 wd:Q2433349 wd:Q1093175 wd:Q1391900 wd:Q1525285 wd:Q1256377 wd:Q1870972}.
      ?city skos:altLabel ?alias.
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam
          wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

GROUP by ?cityLabel
ORDER by ?cityLabel


Cities with the number of inbound links from other items

SELECT ?cityLabel (count(?subject) as ?count){
    SELECT DISTINCT ?subject ?prop ?city {
      VALUES ?city {
                   #main cities
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
                   wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260
                   #departmental captials
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q62823 wd:Q51103 wd:Q243766 wd:Q48278
                   #intermediary capitals
                   wd:Q328518 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725
                   #touristic cities
                   wd:Q657461 wd:Q134678 wd:Q681111 wd:Q214913 wd:Q767738 wd:Q209016 wd:Q1655984
                   wd:Q1409503 wd:Q1294128 wd:Q1576773 wd:Q205429
                   #small towns
                   wd:Q579803 wd:Q749224 wd:Q767071 wd:Q320015 wd:Q638260
                   #towns in conflict
                   wd:Q216847 wd:Q626543 wd:Q6060938 wd:Q2236398 wd:Q2433349 wd:Q1093175 wd:Q1391900 wd:Q1525285 wd:Q1256377 wd:Q1870972}.
      ?subject ?prop ?city.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam
          wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

GROUP by ?cityLabel
ORDER by ?cityLabel


Languages with the count of Wikipedia articles on selected Colombian cities

SELECT DISTINCT ?cityLabel ?sitelinks {
       VALUES ?city {wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
                   wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260}.
       ?city wikibase:sitelinks ?sitelinks.
       FILTER(?sitelinks > 10)
       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam
          wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
ORDER by DESC(?sitelinks)


Languages with the count of Wikipedia articles on selected Colombian cities

SELECT ?lang (count(?city) as ?count) {
    SELECT DISTINCT ?city ?lang {
      hint:Query hint:optimizer "None"
      VALUES ?city {wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
             wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260}.
      [] schema:about ?city;
         schema:inLanguage ?lang.

GROUP BY ?lang


Count of Wikimedia articles on selected Colombian cities

SELECT DISTINCT ?cityLabel ?sitelinks {
      VALUES ?city {
                   #main cities
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
                   wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260
                   #departmental captials
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q62823 wd:Q51103 wd:Q243766 wd:Q48278
                   #intermediary capitals
                   wd:Q328518 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725
                   #touristic cities
                   wd:Q657461 wd:Q134678 wd:Q681111 wd:Q214913 wd:Q767738 wd:Q209016 wd:Q1655984
                   wd:Q1409503 wd:Q1294128 wd:Q1576773 wd:Q205429
                   #small towns
                   wd:Q579803 wd:Q749224 wd:Q767071 wd:Q320015 wd:Q638260
                   #towns in conflict
                   wd:Q216847 wd:Q626543 wd:Q6060938 wd:Q2236398 wd:Q2433349 wd:Q1093175 wd:Q1391900 wd:Q1525285 wd:Q1256377 wd:Q1870972}.
       ?city wikibase:sitelinks ?sitelinks.
       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam
          wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,es". }
ORDER by ?cityLabel


Count of Wikimedia articles on selected Colombian cities

SELECT ?cityLabel (count(?article) as ?count) {
    SELECT DISTINCT ?city ?article {
      hint:Query hint:optimizer "None"
      VALUES ?city {
                   #main cities
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
                   wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260
                   #departmental captials
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q62823 wd:Q51103 wd:Q243766 wd:Q48278
                   #intermediary capitals
                   wd:Q328518 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725
                   #touristic cities
                   wd:Q657461 wd:Q134678 wd:Q681111 wd:Q214913 wd:Q767738 wd:Q209016 wd:Q1655984
                   wd:Q1409503 wd:Q1294128 wd:Q1576773 wd:Q205429
                   #small towns
                   wd:Q579803 wd:Q749224 wd:Q767071 wd:Q320015 wd:Q638260
                   #towns in conflict
                   wd:Q216847 wd:Q626543 wd:Q6060938 wd:Q2236398 wd:Q2433349 wd:Q1093175 wd:Q1391900 wd:Q1525285 wd:Q1256377 wd:Q1870972}.
      ?article schema:about ?city.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam
          wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,es". }

GROUP BY ?cityLabel
ORDER BY ?cityLabel


Languages of Wikimedia articles on selected Colombian cities

SELECT ?lang (count(?city) as ?count) {
    SELECT DISTINCT ?city ?article ?lang {
      hint:Query hint:optimizer "None"
      VALUES ?city {
                   #main cities
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
                   wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260
                   #departmental captials
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q62823 wd:Q51103 wd:Q243766 wd:Q48278
                   #intermediary capitals
                   wd:Q328518 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725
                   #touristic cities
                   wd:Q657461 wd:Q134678 wd:Q681111 wd:Q214913 wd:Q767738 wd:Q209016 wd:Q1655984
                   wd:Q1409503 wd:Q1294128 wd:Q1576773 wd:Q205429
                   #small towns
                   wd:Q579803 wd:Q749224 wd:Q767071 wd:Q320015 wd:Q638260
                   #towns in conflict
                   wd:Q216847 wd:Q626543 wd:Q6060938 wd:Q2236398 wd:Q2433349 wd:Q1093175 wd:Q1391900 wd:Q1525285 wd:Q1256377 wd:Q1870972}.
      ?article schema:about ?city;
         schema:inLanguage ?lang.

GROUP BY ?lang


Wikimedia articles on selected Colombian cities

   SELECT DISTINCT ?city ?lang ?group {
      hint:Query hint:optimizer "None"
      VALUES ?city {
                   #main cities
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
                   wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260
                   #departmental captials
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q62823 wd:Q51103 wd:Q243766 wd:Q48278
                   #intermediary capitals
                   wd:Q328518 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725
                   #touristic cities
                   wd:Q657461 wd:Q134678 wd:Q681111 wd:Q214913 wd:Q767738 wd:Q209016 wd:Q1655984
                   wd:Q1409503 wd:Q1294128 wd:Q1576773 wd:Q205429
                   #small towns
                   wd:Q579803 wd:Q749224 wd:Q767071 wd:Q320015 wd:Q638260
                   #towns in conflict
                   wd:Q216847 wd:Q626543 wd:Q6060938 wd:Q2236398 wd:Q2433349 wd:Q1093175 wd:Q1391900 wd:Q1525285 wd:Q1256377 wd:Q1870972}.
      [] schema:about ?city;
         schema:inLanguage ?lang;
               schema:isPartOf [wikibase:wikiGroup ?group].



Count of Wikimedia articles on selected Colombian cities

SELECT ?cityLabel (count(?lang) as ?count){
    SELECT DISTINCT ?city ?lang ?group {
      hint:Query hint:optimizer "None"
      VALUES ?city {
                   #main cities
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
                   wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260
                   #departmental captials
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q62823 wd:Q51103 wd:Q243766 wd:Q48278
                   #intermediary capitals
                   wd:Q328518 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725
                   #touristic cities
                   wd:Q657461 wd:Q134678 wd:Q681111 wd:Q214913 wd:Q767738 wd:Q209016 wd:Q1655984
                   wd:Q1409503 wd:Q1294128 wd:Q1576773 wd:Q205429
                   #small towns
                   wd:Q579803 wd:Q749224 wd:Q767071 wd:Q320015 wd:Q638260
                   #towns in conflict
                   wd:Q216847 wd:Q626543 wd:Q6060938 wd:Q2236398 wd:Q2433349 wd:Q1093175 wd:Q1391900 wd:Q1525285 wd:Q1256377 wd:Q1870972}.
      [] schema:about ?city;
         schema:inLanguage ?lang;
               schema:isPartOf [wikibase:wikiGroup ?group].

     SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam
          wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,es". }

GROUP by ?cityLabel
ORDER by ?cityLabel


Wikimedia articles and associtated WikiGroup on selected Colombian cities

SELECT ?cityLabel ?group (count(?lang) as ?count){
    SELECT DISTINCT ?city ?lang ?group {
      hint:Query hint:optimizer "None"
      VALUES ?city {
                   #main cities
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
                   wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260
                   #departmental captials
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q62823 wd:Q51103 wd:Q243766 wd:Q48278
                   #intermediary capitals
                   wd:Q328518 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725
                   #touristic cities
                   wd:Q657461 wd:Q134678 wd:Q681111 wd:Q214913 wd:Q767738 wd:Q209016 wd:Q1655984
                   wd:Q1409503 wd:Q1294128 wd:Q1576773 wd:Q205429
                   #small towns
                   wd:Q579803 wd:Q749224 wd:Q767071 wd:Q320015 wd:Q638260
                   #towns in conflict
                   wd:Q216847 wd:Q626543 wd:Q6060938 wd:Q2236398 wd:Q2433349 wd:Q1093175 wd:Q1391900 wd:Q1525285 wd:Q1256377 wd:Q1870972}.
      [] schema:about ?city;
         schema:inLanguage ?lang;
               schema:isPartOf [wikibase:wikiGroup ?group].
     } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam
          wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,es". }

GROUP by ?cityLabel ?group
ORDER by ?cityLabel


Reference count of Wikidata statements of selected Colombian cities

SELECT ?cityLabel (count(?reference) as ?count){
    SELECT ?city ?statement ?reference
         VALUES ?city {
                   #main cities
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q48278 wd:Q51103 wd:Q62823 wd:Q657461 wd:Q767071 wd:Q216847 wd:Q1011151 wd:Q222755 wd:Q243766
                   wd:Q749224 wd:Q209016 wd:Q816024 wd:Q376903 wd:Q51111 wd:Q996581 wd:Q320015 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725 wd:Q638260
                   #departmental captials
                   wd:Q2841 wd:Q62823 wd:Q51103 wd:Q243766 wd:Q48278
                   #intermediary capitals
                   wd:Q328518 wd:Q235190 wd:Q852725
                   #touristic cities
                   wd:Q657461 wd:Q134678 wd:Q681111 wd:Q214913 wd:Q767738 wd:Q209016 wd:Q1655984
                   wd:Q1409503 wd:Q1294128 wd:Q1576773 wd:Q205429
                   #small towns
                   wd:Q579803 wd:Q749224 wd:Q767071 wd:Q320015 wd:Q638260
                   #towns in conflict
                   wd:Q216847 wd:Q626543 wd:Q6060938 wd:Q2236398 wd:Q2433349 wd:Q1093175 wd:Q1391900 wd:Q1525285 wd:Q1256377 wd:Q1870972}.
      ?city ?prop ?statement.
      OPTIONAL{?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?reference}
      FILTER(REGEX(STR(?statement), ""))
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam
          wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,es". }

GROUP by ?cityLabel
ORDER by ?cityLabel